Payment Method

QR Code

Scan QR code of the merchant

1 Scan QR code of the merchant
Arrow Down icon
Confirm Payment

2 Confirm Payment
Arrow Down icon
Merchant receive transaction

3 Merchant receive transaction
Arrow Down icon
Payment Completed

4 Payment Completed

Online Shopping

Online Shopping

1 Online Shopping
Arrow Down icon
Payment Gateway

2 Payment Gateway
Arrow Down icon
Transaction Processing

3 Transaction Processing
Arrow Down icon
Payment Completed

4 Payment Completed

Smart POS Terminal

Check Out

1 Check Out
Arrow Down icon
Payment Gateway

2 Payment Gateway
Arrow Down icon
Choose Payment Method

3 Choose Payment Method
Arrow Down icon
Payment Completed

4 Payment Completed


Check Out

1 Check Out
Arrow Down icon
Payment Gateway

2 Payment Gateway
Arrow Down icon
Choose Payment Method

3 Choose Payment Method
Arrow Down icon
Payment Completed

4 Payment Completed